Monday, November 27, 2017

Back to work....

Well, we are getting back to work this week starting with blog #5.
Remember, there are TWO places students can see what they need to know about the blog:
1. on the calendar on my webpage BUT remember if students added me to their own calendar they can just click on the waffle and then calendar and they will find it there
2. on my webpage - on the calendar posted there or on the BLOGS page.

We are also starting to work with Google Docs -- "jumping through hoops" as I like to say and playing with all the tools, settings and tool bars.

We will be working on an online safety poster project/contest AND getting ready for an artistic project using our faces!

And...of course....KEEP CODING!

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Hello Parents...

I have decided that I would try using this blog as a way to contact MORE parents at the SAME time.
There are so many times when I have a little message that I wish I could easily share with let's see how this works!!

I have recently added a calendar to my webpage that I am teaching the students how to "subscribe" to so they can see it on their own calendar.  I also wanted a better way for YOU to see what we are working on in class.

Both posted assignments, Blog #4 and Grateful Meme, are not officially due until November 27th and I will continue grading them after the break.

I hope everyone has an AWESOME Thanksgiving!!

Gobble Gobble